"It looks like everything is..." Then there was the outfit comment. [i]Damnit, Adam, why can't you be less observant?[/i] "Oh, this? I was just...trying it on." She simply shrugged it off as she 'struggled' to pick up the TV and put it back where it goes. Then she got to work picking up all of the game discs. A few had been seriously scratched up, but none of them were ruined. "So much for our gaming day. Now we've gotta clean up this huge mess." With a sigh, she sat down on the couch. A cloud of white erupted around her. A quick glance upwards revealed cracks in the ceiling which would explain the white crap all over the couch, "Oh fantastic. That is not good." She gulped, "I think we've gotta leave the building, Adam." -- Markus just sat back down and silently listened to her ranting. Until the word witch caught his ear, "Wait. You're a [i]witch[/i]??" He stood again, "Shit. I didn't know witches could even turn into vampires. Wait, witches deal with vampires all the time how did you not know we exist?" He was really confused all of a sudden. Then he remembered the earthquake which was an occurrence that never happens in Minnesota. Could that have been caused by Cassandra? "OK. Let's take a step back for a second. The light is bright to you because you have not fed yet. It's taking away energy from you. In order to gain that energy back, you need to drink blood." He took in a deep breath, "We've gotta go get you some or...well. I don't know. I've never done this before."