[center][color=gray][h3]Leisy Takigawa[/h3][/color] — Feyhollow Town —[/center] After inquiring a bit at the front desk of the Pokemon Center, Leisy was informed that Ella was still in her room — presumably fast asleep — and that Vivian had gone out of the center some time ago. Deciding that she may as well use her time to its fullest, Leisy exited the Pokemon Center and moved a ways away from the town and into the forest. Once she found a relatively clear area, she sat down and took out Cassia’s Pokeball, holding it in her hands with trepidation. [color=gray]“I’m going to need you to help me with this,”[/color] Leisy told Bidein with a frown. The Fletchling gave her a nod, standing resolute on her shoulder. Invigorated by her Pokemon’s presence, Leisy released the Ekans. [color=gray]“C’mon out, Cassia.”[/color] Cassia looked around uncertainly, bewildered by her surroundings. Ever since her capture, there seemed to be no shortage of surprises and terrors in her life. She was forced to be constantly alert, ready for anything. Who knew when the ferocious Larvitar would strike again? The dumb-looking blue Pokemon that kept sucking up to the human seemed not to be much of a threat, but the Ekans knew better than to assume anything. Then there was the matter of the Fletchling. Oh, that species she knew — flighty and weak until they grew up into fearsome birds of prey that swooped down and preyed on what once was much stronger than them. Despite the fact that the Fletchling the human owned was still small and weak, his eyes never left the Ekans when she was around. Out of all of the Pokemon the human owned, Cassia felt the least safe around the Fletchling. Out of danger, yes, but constantly watched, judged, and quantized. [color=gray]“Hey Cassia,”[/color] Leisy said, keeping her voice gentle and soft. [color=gray]“How’re you doing?”[/color] The Ekans didn’t respond, instead curling into a ball and glaring in Leisy’s direction. Tracing the snake Pokemon’s gaze, Leisy saw Bidein maintaining eye contact with the Ekans, steadfast in his loyalty. However, Leisy knew the Fletchling’s unwavering gaze would do more to frighten the agitated Ekans than anything else. [color=gray]“Dei, could you wait on the tree branch over there?”[/color] Leisy asked, indicating a branch behind her with a nod. Seeing his trainer’s calm but alert demeanor, the Fletchling nodded and flew over to the branch, leaving the rest in his trainer’s hands. [color=gray]“Cassia,”[/color] Leisy said, tilting her head, [color=gray]“Won’t you give me a chance?”[/color] The Ekans narrowed her eyes, tightening her coils in response. Sighing, Leisy extracted two box of day-old berries — one of Orans and the other of Pechas — from her bag, opening and pushing the box of Orans towards Cassia. [color=gray]“Eat up. Better to eat now than to eat later with everyone else,”[/color] Leisy said, sighing and popping a Pecha in her own mouth and waving Bidein over. [color=gray]“Here you go, Dei. Pechas — your favorite.”[/color] The Fletchling chirped agreeably, picking a berry up from inside the box and tossing it up in the air before catching it in his mouth. Cassia, seeing the Fletchling inhale the berries, figured that there wasn’t any harm in trying one as well, and soon enough she was inhaling the smallish blue berries in mouthfuls. A small smile hung on Leisy’s face as she watched her two Pokemon eat, stealing a Pecha Berry from Bidein. [color=gray]“Thanks,”[/color] Leisy grinned at the robin Pokemon, popping it in her mouth and savoring the pink fruit’s sweet aroma. [hr] Leisy made returned Cassia and made her way back to the Feyhollow Pokemon Center, taking a seat at a seat in waiting area and pulling out her Pokedex to do some browsing. She was in the middle of reading about the patterns on Arbok, Ekans’ evolution, when Ella emerged from the back. [color=gray]“Morning!,”[/color] Leisy said, smiling and rising from her seat. Hearing the girl’s question, Leisy frowned. [color=gray]“The nurse at the front desk told me that she was out,”[/color] Leisy said, looking around for the girl in question. [color=gray]“Maybe she’s back now?”[/color] [hr][hider=Leisy’s Pokedex] [b]Organization: [/b]Helping Hand Guild [b]TP:[/b] 115 +1 +1(HHG bonus) = 117 [b]Inventory:[/b][list][*]Pokeball x 3 [/list] [b]Pokemon:[/b][list][*]Bidein “Dei” ♂ — Fletchling (6) [*]Naunet ♀ — Piplup (6) [*]Devinco “Devi” ♂ — Larvitar (4) [*]Cassia “Sia” ♀ — Ekans (1) [/list][/hider] [@dark light] [@luckyblackcat] [hr] [center][color=lightsteelblue][h3]Cillian Weiss[/h3][/color] — Feyhollow Town —[/center] After buying another taco from the taco stand and inhaling it, Cillian headed straight for the Pokemon Center, placing his Pokeballs on the counter to get his Pokemon healed up. Waiting patiently as the nurse popped the capsules into the machine, Cillian pondered what he should do for the day. [i]The new Scyther definitely needs to be introduced to the rest of the team,[/i] he thought, frowning. [i]He seems to have a rather difficult personality, and it doesn’t help that I caught him by accident. Wonder what I was trying to catch last night?[/i] [color=lightsteelblue]“Thanks,”[/color] he told the nurse, turning as two girls — trainers, by the looks of their Pokemon — walked into the Center. [color=lightsteelblue]“Hi!”[/color] he said, walking up to them with a grin. [color=lightsteelblue]“Cillian Weiss, fellow trainer. Just started — er — three days ago. Are you two from around here?”[/color] [hr][hider=Cillian’s Pokedex] [b]Organization: [/b]Helping Hand Guild [b]TP:[/b] 61 +1 = 62 [b]Inventory:[/b][list][*]Pokeball x 4 [/list] [b]Pokemon:[/b][list][*]Hazmat “Haz” ♂ — Charmander (6) [*]Kelby “Kelb” ♂ — Mudkip (6) [*]♂ — Scyther (2) [/list][/hider] [@silver fox][@toadropes] [hr] 79TP