[center][hider=Curiosity][img]https://heavenawaits.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/image98.png[/img][/hider] [hider=Darkness][img]http://dungeon.org.pl/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/figure-ghost-dark-smoke.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Curiosity / Darkness | [b]Age:[/b] Sometime B.C. or A.C. | [b]Race:[/b] Phantom Tulpa | [b]Personality:[/b] Curious / Evil [b]History:[/b] Created by the collective consciousness of all the people in the world derived from curiosity. As it was the collective thought and feeling of curiosity of the whole world that created it, it was already autonomous and possessed a conscious of its own. As it developed itself "psychologically", it became more and more twisted, affected by the negative energies that overwhelmed their counterpart. As it tried to make sense of what was happening, it convinced itself that this change wasn't meant to happen and so it denied and pushed away all the undesired energies gathered within, leading to the manifestation of a dark entity, a tulpa of it's own if you may. It wasn't as much as a tulpa but rather a part of itself. It literally divided itself in 2 separate entities, both dependant on different thoughts and feelings. One was the incarnation of curiosity while the other fed off all the negative energies around it. Both things knew that if their significant other exhausted it's existence, they shared the same fate. [b]Strengths[/b] Curiosity has a lot of knowledge while Darkness has the strength of a poltergeist. [b]Weaknesses[/b] Only the Darkness has any notable weakness, as it's made of pure negativity it can be easily countered. [b]Stance[/b] Passive for the manifestation of curiosity / Active for the being made of concentrated negativity [b]Special Power/Skill[/b] The manifestation of curiosity can phase in and out of planes while additionally having the ability to turn invisible It's appearance changes, different for everyone, so as to draw the least attention. The dark entity only has the power of a poltergeist, that "haunts" Curiosity, as it's only the manifestation of negativity the curiosity tulpa has gathered itself. [/center]