[@AnaSilan Sunja] [hider=Erin Herne] Name: Erin Herne Age: 25 Ethnicity/Race: Human (hunter) [hider=Appearance:] [img]http://i.imgur.com/oLta3pU.png[/img] Under his coat is a number of harnesses and holsters [/hider] Personality: Erin has transformed into a cold, sadistic hunter who very much enjoys his violent work. However, if you were a human, you’d have no idea. Erin appears very cool, calm and collected around the presence of regular humans. However, when he is on the hunt (which he very much enjoys) Erin becomes creepily gleeful. In fact, his work gives him no greater sense of joy. Erin has developed a deranged sense of self-righteousness, however, when a target gets away, he fills up with such rage and hatred that he flips into a brief rampage… in which case you will find a slight dilemma of random property damage. There is nothing that frustrates him more than a failed hunt, which makes him so persistent if you are being hunted by Erin. History: Erin’s hatred of supernaturals wasn’t taught but triggered. At the age of 14, Erin’s parents were fed upon by a Vampire. Erin heard a loud slam and crashes from his parents’ bedroom. Erin rushed out of bed and barrelled into the room, to find the sight of his father face down in a pool of blood and a pale human with his mouth around his mother’s neck, two small streams of blood trickling down. Erin launched himself at the vampire who knocked him aside, crashing beneath the very window pane the vampire crept through. The vampire laid his mother on the bed and began to creep back over through the window pane, seemingly satisfied with his meal and stepping over the dazed boy, who was about to fade into unconsciousness. A gunshot echoed out, snapping him back to reality, and the assailant crumpled to the floor, writhing in pain. A heavier pair of boots thumped in front of him, and a shadowy figure crouched down and plunged a stake of wood into the creature’s heart. The shadowed man turned around, and lifted Erin onto his feet, while he was still stunned and confused. This man turned out to be his future mentor, and trained him in everything he knew about being a Hunter. However, this mystery man also met an untimely death much like his parents. After spending two years of harsh, rigorous training, he had decided to let Erin join him on his first hunt for a supernatural. A werewolf, to be exact. This was when he acquired his iron sword, the same sword he carries to this day. Erin was not given the full history of the target, and it turned out that the werewolf had no victims. However, he was taught that a threat was still a threat, whether it acted or not. His mentor, and adopted father for the past two years, charged at the grey humanoid, firing two rounds of pure silver bullets, each whizzing past the beast’s head. The experienced hunter had misplaced his trust in his aim, and in a flash, the werewolf was upon him, keeping him in a tight headlock. The wolf took a bite into his upper torso, blood spraying out, covering it’s maw. His gun scattered across the concrete pavement to Erin’s feet. Shakily, the 16-year-old picked up the gun, and aimed as steadily as he could. With a squeeze, the gun fired, and the bullet flew through the cold night air. The bullet struck the wolf in the chest, sending searing pain to the wolf, the bullet was enough to kill the wolf. However, it also pierced the hunter’s chest, and that combined with the bite wound was enough to allow him to bleed out. However, it was not sure whether the werewolf bite had already infected his mentor, so he gave his student one final task. Decapitate him. This would ensure that he would be dead and did not become a werewolf. His body was beyond help. Tearfully, Erin fulfilled the master’s wish and scavenged all of his gear with him. He walked away, prepared for his life ahead as a hunter, and over the next 9 years, his hatred for supernaturals only grew, and his dedication and obsession with hunting only grew. Weapons: - Collapsible Iron katana - Modified Glock 17 9mm automatic pistol, fires silver bullets. Named “Reaper”. - Standard Supernatural Hunter gear (stake, silver cross, holy water, pure gold knuckle duster etc.) Supernatural Target: His favourite prey are Vampires, but is prepared for all targets and situations. Strengths: Very skilled with his katana due to practice, as well as a good aim with his gun. Extremely combat capable, and agile too, able to keep up with most supernatural. Weaknesses: Easily prone to rage, frustration and has a big ego. He has a shitty personality, and is extremely uncaring and unempathetic towards supernaturals and even humans, only concerned with hunting and hunting alone, giving him a one track mind. Persistent and bullheaded. Stance: Active Other: [/hider] Hope you like!