[b]Castle Grimm Geography[/b] To get to Castle Grimm from either side of the Dragon Fang Mountains one must first find the somewhat hidden path to travel up. The paths is steep, narrow, and has many turns though the closer one gets to the top of the path, the better and wider the road becomes. After traveling for a while one comes to the [i]outer walls[/i] of Castle Grimm. The gate is heavy and firm, guarded by archers, various mechanisms, and stone gargoyles that peer down with intimidating eyes. The [i]outer gate[/i] prevents people from entering into [i]Grimm Valley[/i]. [i]Grimm Valley[/i] is a narrow, but long, valley nestled at the top of the pass. Due to its location, the valley does not get many hours of sunshine naturally, but a massive mirror has been installed near castle Grimm, that can extend sun hours on certain sections of the valley. The valley is populated by small farms that are protected by Castle Grimm. The entrances to the valley are located at the North end, while Castle Grimm is nestled into the rock face of the mountain side at the South end. There is of course a [i]castle wall[/i] protecting the entrance to the castle courtyard and outer castle facilities. The main castle keep has a thick [i]inner wall[/i] so the castle has multiple lines of defense. Castle Grimm is quite large and boasts various facilities ranging from training to recreational: an arena, garden, baths, small theater, courtyard, and small lake even are some of what is within the confines of the castle walls. [b]The Incident[/b] The incident that sparked all-out hostilities can be traced back to what was suppose to be a cultural exchange in the desert. Two caravans met together to see if there was anything worth trading and also to get to know the other side of the mountains better. The first to die was a member of the Onyx Empire, a poisoned drink downed the unfortunate soul. Very quickly blame was laid at the White Rock Confederacy's feet who quickly denied such allegations, but then some gunpowder that had been exchanged ignited in Confederacy storage, wounding two guards nearby. After this fighting quickly broke out between the two parties, starting hostilities The empire claimed the barbaric confederacy attempted to poison and steal everything the empire had while the confederacy cried the sabotage of traded goods because of the explosion. Neither side willing to admit to foul play they kept up the narrative about the evil of their neighbors across the mountains. Skirmishes have transpired quite frequently since then but with no good way to launch an offensive, casualties have been fairly light. The White Rock Confederacy believes the Onyx Empire to be heartless expansionists, willing to use any means necessary for conquest. As a confederacy they also tend to feel that an empire is inherently evil, untrustworthy, and an affront to free rule. The Onyx Empire believes the White Rock Confederacy to be full of opportunistic barbarians, more concerned with wealth than decency and lacking of a firm foundation of government. The average confederacy citizen is seen as lazy, without morals, and too individualistic to work for the greater good of the country. [quote=@GingerBoi123] I'd love to be an Onyx gadget inventor if that's cool? [/quote] I wonder why...*looks at avatar and banner*...hmmm...XD I don't see why not, although just try not to get too advanced, gadgets are still somewhat unreliable and gimmiky at this point in time so just keep things within reason.