[center] [@CelticSoldier] [@Themerlinhawk] [@RoflsMazoy] [@Mega Birb] [@duskshine749] [@PentagonWhite] [@TheWindel] [@The1Rolling1Boy] [img]http://i.imgur.com/i6fLcHF.png[/img] [/center] "I... I don't know. One moment I was with my hand clasped to his and then a man with a large hat hit us. I could see he had a scar or two on his face and talked like a sailor, very gruff." The woman replied to Kimi's question, breaking out in tears every now and then before continuing. "H-he had a big basket, maybe... is smelled of raw fish, mackerel, I think... After he apologized I noticed that... that my son wasn't with me and... when I looked around... Oh god, what could have happened to him? Please, please, help me! I can pay you all I have, but please give me back my son..." Was all the dark-haired, woman was able to produce, before tears got the best of her. Whether those who went to talk to her would try talk to the guards again, press her, or extort money from her tragedy, or go back to the others, was left to be seen. Meanwhile, Avienus' divination would let he see not what he was looking for, but a much more disturbing scene. A tall man, or so it looked like, wearing a traveler's coat and hood covering a boy's mouth and rendering the child unconscious, before shoving him on a large basket, under a false bottom that looked to be covered with fish. The man left the basket on the floor where one with a large brim hat caught it and walked away, toward a cart with many other baskets like that, after the cart made it away toward the old docks, the vision faded. Likewise, Reed's senses would notice a trail of not very old fish blood running down the street on that direction (of the old port), as well. And, on the very distance, almost to the opposite direction, a quick scan of his eyes would show the hooded girl walking to the upper parts of the city, the shining Noble's Quarter. A flap of a bird's wing on the railing of the buildings over them would reveal a raven, which cawed lazy as it sought the sun's warmth, spreading it's black wings. When Reed's view would come back to the street, the girl as far away, turning a corner that would lead her to the Cathedral of the Gods, which resided on the Noble's Quarter, adjacent to the biggest cemetery in Aquaria. Just like with the other part of the party, what they would do with this knowledge was up to them to decide.