Her heels clicked on the tiled floor as she walked down the hall to the room there were meeting in. Her clothes were impeccable. A sleek black skirt and blazer. Crisp white blouse and red scarf. Hair pinned up and make up perfect. Her movements spoke of grace and confidence. Entering the room she removed her soft leather gloves, nodded politely to Sven and found a seat. A slight wave of sadness moved over her, as it always did when the group met. Matthieu should be here, not her or at least she should be here with him. Slender fingers undid her buttons and she hung her blazer before sitting at one of the desks. So far only Sven was there so far. Imogen took a seat. She sat with a dancer's posture and waited patiently. Each arriving member was greeted with a polite smile and slight nod. They were there for work, not socializing. Well not in this moment anyway. Miss Kitamura entered, bringing tea. It was a very British thing, tea and while she often preferred an espresso she appreciated the work the woman had done. Especially since both tea and coffee were hard to attain now. Standing she poured herself a cup and returned to her seat. She took notes as he talked, in shorthand of course. It was something Matthieu had taught her when she had first shown and interest in his work. It was his special shorthand that others wouldn't be able to immediately figure out but not so complex that one wouldn't eventually get it. After all neither she or Matthieu had done any work in cryptography. Imogen frowned a little at the idea of jungles. She did better at dinner parties and such where she could talk information from people. Armed mission and seaplane also got her attention but she said nothing as she made her notes. She began to make a packing list as well. Imogen listened to see if there were questions. At the moment she felt that things seemed straight forward. She wasn't entirely sure what her role would be but she trust Sven's judgement. Her eyes raised at Miss Kitamura's question, her pencil pausing as she waited for the answer. It was indeed a good question. It was good to know exactly what they were getting themselves into and for what purpose.