[@omerta] On that one I'm actually gonna have to say no to the non-pre existent supernatural. I want people to at least be able to look up the race if they feel the need. You can, however, use the supernatural name of something similar and maybe shift a few pieces in your CS to fit it. You can also have half breeds, as I've mentioned before that one of mine are. Secondly, I don't even really know if spies are a viable choice, given supernaturals can identify each other (Oh fuck I forgot to mention that oh my god I'm so sorry I'll add that) so they'd know if a human was just lurking around. Unless it really is just a human not trying to hide they're a human? Like...pretending to be on the supernatural side? It wouldn't work on the supernatural side because Hunters have thier personal spaces protected. [@NightmareInd] I'm sure you can find a good creature :) there are several worlds and cultures of them out there, you just gotta know where to look.