[@Jbcool][@agentmanatee] Meris Fixun, being the Corporal at that - and with some understanding of some terrain and fighting in such a situation. And being the more practical minded of the group - also gave her piece of advice to Ninke. [color=lightsalmon]"Sergeant Ninke, Ma'am. With all due respect, maybe we should think about this smartly,"[/color] she spoke, being calm about it with some memories of their previous engagement in mind. [color=lightsalmon]"Both the settlement and lands are unknown factors. We aren't sure, what we might come across - and what we might need to defend. For all we know, we might be trecking through a sandstorm in an attempt to recon an area. As for the settlements - we got no clue about them. Numbers or layout."[/color] [color=lightsalmon]"The western approach seems the most logical choice. We know what we have to do at that. Defend a strategic location. We know it's important and all. And some of the Guardsmen might feel useful at that. People have a dendency to fight harder, when there is more at stake,"[/color] she spoke. [color=lightsalmon]"We have heavy forces at that. And sending us to likely kill traitor humans seems...well waste of talent, to be honest. Ma'am."[/color]