[quote=@CAS1006] [@Silver Fox][@rivaan] Glad to see you both are on board. I just have not been in a hurry simply because I'm trying to celebrate my two years with Lev. We have been on and off at times, but we never really saw anyone between our... ordeals. So I just been trying to take it easy with him. Writing Scripts for Reagan. His comics and such. And just generally trying to just take time to myself for once. XD I been thinking about rewatching Avatar the Last Airbender then see what everyone is bitching about in The Legend of Korra. But I'm told it is offensively bad to the source material. Need to see for myself. And I might be renting FF15 Tomorrow, because I'm not letting my lover spend 60$ on a game I'm indecisive of. Rouge One with my family. So that will be a thing. And I just been bouncing everywhere. And with a certain someone having a hard time in FF, I'm being lenient as I can, but I would have loved to have at least finished the year entering Lindblum. So balancing Drifter with that is hard, especially with how Modii is also in the process of moving. (I notice most of the people are my personal friends involved with these rps. Modii is actually a person who did art for Cas as well. XD) The Idea of Drifters was going to be lighthearted with dark aspects, not edgy dark, but grim and bleak. We actually had a lot planned. But... Circumstances. [/quote] Funny, I had also marathoned Avatar the last Airbender at work during lunch since the Legend of Korra box set came out soon. I only got to watch the first season thanks to the dvr crapping out and me being too lazy to shift through episodes. Also planning to play FF15 at work since I've heard good things about it, with one bad thing about the summoning system.