Well... this was new. Mizuko was certainly used to various races. And she definitely knew of various animal-like races other then her own kind. There were all kinds back in Akitsushima. But... she wasn't used to races that looked that animalistic. At least, not intelligent ones. So she found herself very surprised, looking at the ratkin. However, race mattered not. A customer was a customer, regardless of what they were! ... Unless they were a monster or something, since monsters typically were not good customers at all. "It depends on what you order, valued customer ~[i]degeso[/i]!" The squid beastkin girl was... still feeling a bit overwhelmed as she offered the first plate of fried rice to the giant rocky man. But at least she only had to focus on one meal at a time, now. "I don't have my menu ready yet, but I can prepare what you ask about, for now ~[i]degeso[/i]!"