[hider=Alphonse Jaegersson] [u][b]Name[/b][/u]: Alphonse Jaegersson [u][b]Age[/b][/u]: Unknown, presumed a few millennia though he appears approximately thirty to thirty-one. [u][b]Supernatural Race[/b][/u]: Aesir [u][b]Ethnicity/Race[/b][/u]: Scandinavian (Old Norse) [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u]: [URL=http://s1067.photobucket.com/user/SimplyDebonair/media/sam_worthington__3__zpsfer4bzl5.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1067.photobucket.com/albums/u427/SimplyDebonair/sam_worthington__3__zpsfer4bzl5.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [u][b]Personality[/b][/u]: Alphonse is considered charismatic amongst those that have met him or converse with him from day-to-day. Being a figure of celestial heritage, he is looked upon in awe of his confidence and ability to take the lead if need be. Many of his followers (who are far fewer than they once were) claim he is benevolent, but is known to have fits of fury when provoked. Being one of many patrons for warriors, he cannot find it in himself to walk from a battle if drawn into one. Though, being of lesser strength in the modern times, he would prefer to pick his fights before they actually begin. [u][b]History[/b][/u]: *Work in Progress* [u][b]Strength(s)[/b][/u]: Enhanced strength, endurance, and longevity. Due to his consumption of the golden fruit of Iduun, Alphonse has been granted near immortality that has slowed his aging to a crawl. This also grants him to immunity to all forms of disease for normal humans, but not any that pertain to the supernatural world. [u][b]Weaknesses[/b][/u]: Prolonged exposure to dark magic will incapacitate him and render him useless in combat. With powerful enough dark magic, there is the possibility of removing his longevity and could kill him. Though he is naturally resilient to cold magic, he isn't immune to other forms of natural elements of magic. As with all supernatural beings, he isn’t immune to the disease that could infect their kind. This could range from putting him out of commission for a few days, months, years, or could lead to paralyzing him for a few centuries. [u][b]Stance[/b][/u]: Uncaring. Alphonse cares not for the war, nor the struggles for others within the supernatural realm. His sole goal is the restoration of his beliefs and to have new followers restore his former power. [u][b]Special Power/Skill[/b][/u]: As an Aesir, Alphonse is gifted in many forms of combat with melee and hand-to-hand combat. But his greatest ability stems from his parentage to Odin himself: the ability of near limitless knowledge. With seemingly unlimited wisdom, he is able to look into past events and nearly predict the future from those occurrences. There are limits to this power however, as he can only articulate things within the last few hundred years. Being as old as he is, he is susceptible to forgetfulness and has forgotten more about things in the world than all the histories combined. [u][b]Other[/b][/u]: Due to a decline to his culture’s worship, Alphonse’s potency has greatly diminished to a small portion of what it once was. However, he still carries a great deal of power with him and is capable of subduing his opponents if need be. Being underestimated is a flaw many of his foes have inflicted upon him in his long life; but many have learned through death or the hard-way that he is hardy. [/hider]