[center][color=92278f][h2]Kei[/h2][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/NIZ7Bab.gif[/img] [sub]Talking to [@Queentze] and is in response to [@Hillan][/sub][/center] Kei finally got his bowl of ramen and started enjoying himself, trying to not annoy the others around him by slurping too much before Dewa sat down next to him. Listening to his friend as he ate, Kei swallowed before responding. [color=92278f]“I get plenty of sleep, Dewa. But if it’s all boring, doesn’t it just make your eyelids even a little heavy? Hey, I'm not complaining, the fact that it's warm enough for me to feel sleepy is a great reward. Plus not being at war is a nice feeling”[/color] turning back to his meal he was called away by some high ranking Chunin to go to Training field 4 because of a ‘Lord Kishimoto’. Smiling as he could enjoy his meal in peace, Kei got some more noodles before the Chunin talked to him as well. As his mouth was full he couldn’t sigh or complain, but he could groan. Swallowing once more he faced the Jonin. “You are Kei, correct?” with Kei warily nodding, the Chunin grinned, making Kei feel as if the bottom of his stomach fell away “You also need to go to training field 4 to meet with Lord Kishimoto” the disappointment was almost visible in Kei’s eyes as he looked sadly at his bowl of ramen. [color=92278f]“Just a moment, please”[/color] with a practiced hand Kei picked out all the pieces of pork from his ramen before wiping his mouth and paying for his meal, even if it was only half done it would be beyond rude to ask for a discount, what's the guy gonna do? Recycle the broth? Grinning at the Chunin, Kei pushed Dewa's order towards him. [color=92278f]“You should probably help yourself to Dewa’s meal, he did pay for it after all. You could finish off mine, but I’ve already taken all the good bits~♪”[/color] giving a half bow to the proprietor of the Ramen shop, Kei apologised for not being able to finish off his meal before leaving. Kei considered chasing down Dewa, but he didn’t know which way in particular he was taking to get to the training field. [color=92278f]“Going as the crow flies seems to be rather impolite, I’ve only just become a Genin after all”[/color] closing his eyes and resting his umbrella against his shoulder Kei flowed into the sea of foot traffic being buffeted along, moving in the general direction of training field 4. [color=92278f][i]What kinda guy is this Lord Kishimoto? Sounds important and the Hokage isn't a fool, can't be a Hokage if you are... I think...[/i][/color] Now to be fair, Kei had never really heard someone call the Second Hokage by the title of Lord Kishimoto. In fact even if Kei was walking right by the guy he probably wouldn't be able recognise him. Following his mental map, Kei would soon find himself at training field 4, if nothing unforeseen occurred.