[center][h3]Route 9[/h3] The way to Brittanium City [@Amaterasu][@TalijahKey][@itano123][@I-Am-X][/center] The road to Brittanium City was a busy one, especially between Beryllium. There was a highway overhead for those in automobiles, and as a footpath reminiscent of those found in parks marking the way to walk between the cities. Various people's houses were more concentrated around the areas closer to Beryllium City and Brittanium City, along with detouring footpaths and dirt paths that led into the wild grass and small forests that skirted the pathways and houses. No doubt teeming with wild Pokemon that chose to avoid the populated pathways, barring that, there were some flying Pokemon such as Pidgey and Pidove hanging around happily. As they walked down the southern way towards Brittanium, they noticed a Pokemon battle was going down. A [url=http://i.imgur.com/LmcDO3O.jpg]well dressed young trainer[/url] with a Totodile had won a very convincing victory over a passersby. [color=darkblue]"Now that was certainly boring... What's a no-badge trainer to do against someone who already has one after all?"[/color], he remarked. The other trainer gave him dirty looks before leaving on their own way. The young trainer began to walk their direction and noticed the four were watching. [color=darkblue]"Oh, you four seem interesting"[/color], if not flashy. [color=darkblue]"Care for a battle? I would not be offended if you decline, after all... Knowing an impossible battle when you see it is a prime instinct as a trainer"[/color], the boy did not seem to care for others feelings so to speak and would continue to speak down on them. So, would they challenge him? Or not?