[quote=@tobiax] [@Mimikyu] Just an fyi, mentions don't pop when they're edited in. Otherwise I would have showed up and checked sooner. Just want to make sure everything clears on that new racial power we discussed. And I know it's not my call, but I feel like Aerith would be an elf or asimar cleric (as most of her FFVII powers heal) and, well, closest thing to Cecil race wise would be half-elf I think. Not that I'm complaining. I love that you included Cecil Harvey in the game. I really like Final Fantasy IV. [hider=spoiler]Although he'd likely smell darkness on Glacies, so I don't think they'd get along really well..[/hider] [/quote] Actually I planned them to be different from their games (See Yuna, Rikku, and Pain as fairies in KH2). We'll actually visit FF worlds so you'll see how people change from one place to another. To give a bit of a hint, you'll end up bringing your destiny island friends along journey to their home worlds in order to fill the "character gap" that prevents the world from properly continuing forwards. It's kinda like a world falling into sleep but not the same.