[center][h1][b]Tenshi Uchiha[/b][/h1] [hider=Tenshi's Appearance][img]http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/976ab15df1d6affe92b044b520ecaca4/http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f274/ogziggy/NarutoCharacter.jpg[/img][/hider] [@Masaki Haruna] Location: Ramen Bar[/center] [i]'Poor guy never got his ramen'[/I] Tenshi thinks as he watches the young man get dragged out of the ramen shop by the Hokage? [color=7bcdc8]"That was weird, who was that? It's not every day you see someone get dragged away by the Hokage..."[/color] he trails off from what he was saying going back to eating his ramen. [color=7bcdc8]"So you knew that guy Ria? He seemed to get on your nerves, is there a story behind that?"[/color] He asked this when his mouth wasn't full of ramen, trying to converse while he was eating. He was thinking of getting a second bowl of ramen. Tenshi wasn't sure if he should get one or save his money for later. He still wanted to go get a standard ninja supplies bag. He needs more tools other than his two weapons in his backpack. [i]'Ramen or tools...ramen or tools'[/I] Tenshi was unable to choose between the two. Meanwhile he was still paying attention to what was happening around him, he was a shinobi after all. Then again he was a genin and he was mostly distracted with talking to Ria instead of being aware of what is going on fully around him. He wanted to ask how did she get her sharingan but he wasn't sure if that was an appropriate question to ask another Uchiha. Part of him wanted to ask just so he can have some clues to awaken his own sharingan then again he didn't want to sound rude. The other part of him was also nervous talking to her as he wasn't use to talking to girls, he doesn't have that much experience talking to girls or people from his clan that have the sharingan, other than his father.