[@Holy Soldier] Well, yes, I do. First off, Wazhack is not a mobile game, it was ported to mobile after having a good run on pc. Secondly, he fulfills the role of a support/damage dealing character in terms of a party comp, should we be taking that into consideration dnd style. He is based, heavily, off of Dnd wizards, who don't gain new spells as they level up, just more spells they can cast per day (in wazhack, you get a mana bar instead, but serves a similar point.). In terms of character personality, he's practical, an adventurous old fella who likes diving into ruins with an adversion to drugs, and women. In terms of perk progression, he's practical in a different sense. He's from a game where when you die, it's over. It's a rouge-like. You have to manage your money, food, health, and mana wisely, lest you end up getting dumpstered by the enemies you encounter. This perks aren't meant to give you a sudden boost in power, or an immense spike in ability to kick ass. It's meant to help you survive in a dungeon, where you need to constantly forage for food, armor, weapons, and spell books. So, yea. I've got this planned out. He's not gonna fizzle out in a few months, and into higher levels after, I'm not gonna need to worry bout new perks, he's just gonna shoot the spell he does, better, cause he'll be putting points into E/M damage, and rarely, E/M Resistance.