Elliot scanned the crowd with a rhythmic precision, his shoulders tense and his brows knotted. He shifted his weight from one foot to another and glanced towards the PM and then his fellow officers, it seemed they were all getting restless too. "This PM better hurry the hell up..." Elliot said to no one particular, though he saw the officer on his immediate left, a funny little fellow called Rupert, crack a small grin. Elliot tugged at his jacket and checked his wallet keys and phone were still in there and when he looked back up he spotted a girl talking to the Captain and couldn't help as a fond smile tugged at his lips. Everyone from the station remembered her of course and she had a habit of making all the officers smile and grin when she was brought up in conversation. Elliot let his shoulders relax, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath in, when he breathed out he opened them again and he found himself enjoyig the day. After all, today was a celebration!