The Swablu's soothing chime washed over Olivie's poison-wracked body like a seaside side. Inexplicably, and even more miraculously for want of any conceivable explanation, the serene soundwaves ate away at her affliction. An invisible scourge, the bell toll chased out the toxins within her, and in only a few moment the bruiser's illness was gone. Of course, this amazing recovery did not improve her overall health; it only expunged the poison. As such, she rolled over onto her back and lay in the leaf litter, shaking. Tommy, having observed that she gushed forth noxious purple bubbles no longer, began to question her. First things first—Olivie sent him a withering glare. [color=954535]“Uh, hello. Can't you see I'm practically on death's door? A little concern would be nice, Tooter!”[/color] Even in the strangest situations, she prided herself on her ability to come up with annoying nicknames. This one pleased her in particular. [color=954535]”But whatever. This chick got hypnotized to hell, and when I came along, she was singin' and dancin' along in a whole herd of flashy mushrooms. Barnie had Scylla over there poison me to keep from getting' kooky too.”[/color] She turned her anger toward the Tentacruel and Bisharp, each of whom sported a unique mixture of indifference and amusement. [color=954535]”Thanks, guys, by the way. I get that Barnie's your trainer, but c'mon, a little help?”[/color] Scylla bunched up her tentacles into two strands and made a movement reminiscent of a shrug. Olivie turned up her nose. [color=954535]”Well, I'm gonna have Barnie dock your treats or something, so the human'll be getting' the last laugh. Huh!”[/color] Having realized that her self-aggrandizement and criticisms came from a comically low position, Olivie heaved herself to her feet unaided. A new sensation suffused her that couldn't be helped by any Pokemon. With the pain fading away, Olivie found that she was utterly exhausted. A yawn forced its way out of her mouth. [color=954535]”Ugh! What a night! And here I was thinking that we'd be in Stillwater before sunset. Time to...get back to town...”[/color] She took a quick look around. No fairies in sight, fortunately. Her Nidoran looked pretty beat, too. On second glance, she spotted Verrine face-down in the dirt. When Olivie rolled her Pokemon over, she found the Karrablast sound asleep, thanks to the Morelull no doubt. With a sigh that threatened to erupt into another yawn, she returned her Pokemon. Through tired, irritable eyes she examined the other trainers. [color=954535]”, which way outta here?”[/color] [hider=The Benevolent Beauty Turned Boisterous Bruiser] [b]Current Location:[/b] Feyhollow Forest Depths [b]TP:[/b] 36 + 1 = 37 [b]CP:[/b] 19+ 1 = 20 [b]Interaction:[/b] [@LuckyBlackCat]'s Cecilia Taylor (The Resonant Raven-haired Roamer) [@Zarkun]'s Tommy Oliver (The Trumpet-playing Easygoer Extraordinaire) [b]Pokemon:[/b] Buck the Bidoof – lvl 3 – healthy, winded Gespenst the Cacnea – lvl 4 – healthy, winded Verrine the Karrablast – lvl 3+1 = 4 (from Shiinotic encounter) – healthy Nidoran♂ - lvl 1+1 = 2 (from Shiinotic encounter) - conscious [/hider]