[center][url=http://fontmeme.com/broken-sword-video-game-font/][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161130/6c9d3b853e8b428c9368290472cf79cf.png[/img][/url][/center] [hr][@Heap241][@SmileyJaws][@Mesonyx][@XenoCyanide][hr] After the battle concluded Aelrath sheathed his swords and began to make his way back into town. As he reached the edge of the scene of the battle he found his way blocked off by a group of about 10 men. [color=686868]"Can I help you?"[/color] A large man with a scar crossing his face stepped forward. [color=red]"Yeah get the hell out of our town, demon."[/color] [color=686868]"Get out of my way before I start acting like one."[/color] As he said this Aelrath's eyes seemed to have a bloody light escaping them. The man stumbled back when confronted by his gaze shock evident on his face. [color=red]"Get him! He is only one, he can't beat us all."[/color] As he said this the men charged Aelrath. [color=686868]'Idiots, not a single one of them has any decent training.'[/color] As the first man came within reach swinging his fist Aelrath caught his hand, twisted and broke his arm the bone protruding slightly from his forearm. One of the men punched Aelrath in the back only to end up with a bloody fist, Aelrath's armor wasn't just for show. [color=686868]"[i]Ruvenel Caladram[/i]"[/color] Aelrath cast a spell that caused thunder and lighting to stun his opponents, he slipped away not wanting to waste his time on a few bigots. Heading into town he headed back to the forge he had been using earlier. The shop had an extra room and the owner was more than willing to let him rent it for the night. He washed his armor and shined his blades before going to sleep. He woke up early the next morning and bought some basic supplies from nearby shops. When a shopkeeper noticed his ears he would start muttering random elvish words so they would be too intimidated to rip him off. As he was walking back towards the blacksmith's he was stopped by a guard who handed him a note summoning him to the south gate. As he arrived at the south gate he noticed he was not the only one who had received a summons all those who had stood out in the battle last night were there. [color=686868]"I suppose none of you know the reason we are here,"[/color] he said removing his hood, he wanted to see their reactions to his elvishness so he could get that out of the way. [color=686868]"My name is Aelrath by the way."[/color]