Robert listened to the plan that Sho had laid out, his eyebrows furrowing slightly. Why the [i]hell[/i] was he going behind enemy lines? Do they want him to die? Compared to everyone else in the room, Robert was by far the worst when it came to piloting a Knightmare frame. Just because he knew how they worked, didn't men he was good at using them. And as the plan Sho relayed to the group continued, Robert's thoughts began to drift even more so towards the risk: surely, General Sho had some back-up plan in case group one failed, right? That thought was quickly rectified when it was revealed that it was a stealth mission: something that Robert was absolutely untrained for. But there was no going back now. After all, he was french, and looked like a Britannian. That did not help him with the thought that he would be paired up with Marcia. Then again, how in the world would anyone be mentally prepared to trust someone whom they just met - And knew that they killed dozens, if not hundreds of people, and tortured a lot of them. [color=a0410d][i]No,[/i] [/color]Robert thought to himself. [color=a0410d][i]Think positively. Sure, you have a war criminal on your team, but you also got that guy Garcia; he's pretty chill.[/i][/color] Thankfully, Robert was not the one to voice his concerns with General Sho's plan. The one man who arrived late, Fenrir, voiced his concerns with the mission. Unfortunately, however, his concerns were waved off. Sure, the lives of the black knights were valuable, but throwing W-1 lives away with a plan like that wasn't going to solve anything. The lead of the pencil he was writing in his journal with snapped, and he slowly shut his book. Robert sighed. [color=a0410d]"If that is your order, than I shall obey you, General Sho. If you would be kind enough, may you tell us when you plan to begin this mission? Also, what will our disguise be? Do you have Britannian soldier uniforms?"[/color] The gruff voice of Fenrir rung out again, in retaliation to the tampering of his Knightmare. To this, Robert became confused. He understood the fact that a specialized Knightmare could be named, as it was one of a kind, but he couldn't wrap his head around naming something like a Sutherland. They far outclassed the Glasgow, sure, but they were still infantry units. Their is no need to name something that was likely going to be destroyed anyways. The other thing that startled Robert, was the fact that Fenrir pointed towards him when referring to people who were allowed to touch his Knightmare. This confused him only briefly, however, as he could see how someone would come to the conclusion that he was a researcher. After all, he was the only person wearing a damn lab coat. He opened his journal, and pulled a pen from his breast pocket. As he did so, he began to trace out his own Sutherland, which he had not seen since arriving here.