Kurt angrily marched down the street, his cheek still stinging. Earlier that day, he had attempted to court a woman who was... not appreciative of the action, to say the least. As he pondered the thought of going to work, he silently shook his head. It was far too difficult to get a vacation day today, arguably one of the busiest times for the MDU. Despite the complaining his squad mates generated, the day was no where near as pleasant as he thought it would be. While not particularly warm outside, the streets were abuzz with activity, making it feel 10 degrees warmer. Not only that, but Kurt bumped into people nearly every 20 steps. Sure, it was nice when he walked into a hot girl, but most of the people walking around were old farts. Kurt sighed. If only he was at the docks right now. That would surely clear his mind. The commotion was expected. Today was the 35th anniversary of Mundin's founding, so of course it's a big deal. Then again, Kurt could not care less. Today sucked just as much as any other day. That was what Kurt genuinely believed, until he remembered how his squad mates complained about not being able to get any of the food that was being laid out. He quickly began to turn, and head for St. Jeanne's Plaza, glad he didn't have to cook another one of his god awful meals tonight. The fireworks that were planned didn't appeal to him nearly as much. After all, life wasn't a drama, where the the protagonist and his love interest kiss under the light of giant explosions in the sky. And fireworks were a lot less interesting when there were people who could shoot them from their hands. And even less so if you have ever had someone like that shooting at you. Pushing these thoughts aside, Kurt made quick progress towards St. Jeanne's Plaza, most likely due to the fact that he was following the flow of people. The area was filled to the bursting point, and Kurt immediately began to search for anyone he recognized from the MDU. The only thing that would be sweeter than hitting on girls who would probably reject him, was acting smug in front of the poor saps who have to work through this crap. After several attempts, he eventually gave up on searching for people he knew, and instead searched for those he did not know. After all, standing alone would make him appear to be a friendless loser who came here alone. And only two of those descriptors were correct.