[color=f26522]"I am not one to insist that people follow my own philosophy but it is more than clear to everyone in this room that you are not a fan of this plan Mr. Fenrir. I myself am a 'Black Knight' for however brief my entrance into the rebellion was. I am sending you there because I have every confidence in your skill as a soldier. If I am wrong you may remove yourself from this room at once and go patrol the base. I will find someone else within the knights to make sure this plan goes off well. You're anger, however right, or wrong it maybe, is clouding your judgement and preventing you from seeing the bigger picture here. I was going to reveal this in a moment but since Robert has asked you will all be disguised as Britannian Soldiers. In uniform. You will enter through the front gate in a truck secured by Fujimori's crew. One of our sleeper agents will take the front gate shift with falsified orders to do so and let you in. To anyone else it will be a normal crew coming to reinforce the base. Or coming back from patrol. If at all possible if things go wrong the agent will let you out. Do not rely on him however as he must watch his own back. It is already a large risk for him to even go out and openly support this plan. If he can't save you then you must improvise. I can't exactly send Jack in with a fully protected base and have Amori's entire team be incinerated."[/color] Sho said calmly not lifting his tone, or changing it. He was calm, cool, and collected and he showed no sign of the hostility being shown to him by Fenrir to be getting to him in the slightest. However Amori herself was clearly displeased by Fenrir's comments and held back her tongue to not insult her commanding officer. [color=39b54a]"I respect your dedication to your people, and you honor me with your words. However General Sho is by far the most experienced man in this room. If we can't pull off the plan he has made then we're poor soldier. My friends back in Ireland before it's take over were all in trusted as a whole by my father, and his officers to do our jobs. If we were told to put a pipe bomb near enemy lines we did it. If we were told to shoot down an entire squad of britannian infantry with heavy equipment we got it done or died trying, and if someone needed to be rescued or a distraction needed to be done we asked how many bullets would we need, and how loud to make it happen respectively. I promise you all if you can disable their defenses I will do my best to destroy the enemy before they can hurt you. Robert I'm not sure if you entirely understand why you're here yet. You're in charge of disabling, or wrecking those sutherlands in the enemy base. Alongside their defenses. Do anyone of us here look like we're trained to disable high tech machinery? I certainly can't. The extent of my training is blowing things up with bombs in that situation. Lord Sho has clearly put trust in your skills as a person, and an engineer to make sure this mission can properly go off without an issue. Garcia, and Maria are simply there for making sure you don't die, and Shiomi is a back up plan for that." "I'll vouch for Garcia when I say that he will help you or die trying to save you if things go wrong. However the fact that you're all thinking this MAY go wrong is showing a defeatist attitude towards it. This plan WON'T go wrong. It will go right and we won't die the britannians will. Harding needs to be taken down. Then we can all return to our own proper sectors and be assigned our own missions once we're done. Unless one of you wants to call me out for being wrong in which case this mission may as well be tossed aside for all your dedication to our cause. I have faith in all of you to get this done. We're not miracle workers like that faker Zero but we're soldiers, and resistance fighters. If we can do one thing it's bring down a well organized system."[/color] Jack explained with passion as he pressed his hand towards his chest and held it there with a fierce look on his face. He hoped that rallied some of the people still worried about this. If not then this mission was already in danger. They couldn't afford to be thinking negatively.