Izu was still annoyed at being stuck in Konoha for a while since the Mizukage of his village decided that it would be a good idea for him to go and do some shinobi work for the Leaf as a show of good faith and working towards peace. That part he understood, but them choosing him for this mission was not what he wanted. Konoha shinobi were different from the ninja of Kirigakure and this felt odd to Izu. Regardless of his personal feelings about this mission he would not disobey an order from the Mizukage and now here he was in the Leaf Village. Right now he was getting ready to head out for Training Field 5 where he had a hunch that Haitani and Inori would be. Those two were the Taijutsu focused members of their little group, while Izu was right now more focused on his ninjutsu and he was also trying to improve his control of the SÅ«gaku-No-Me. He had plans to improve his skill in hand to hand combat and as a shinobi who liked to call himself a chess master when it came to combat as a ninja, he always favored in being well rounded in knowledge and skill. Izu preferred to be multidimensional instead of a one dimensional specialist and that was how he liked to develop himself. Once he was ready Izu left his temporary home in the village and headed off in the direction of the training fields. His movement was quick and he made sure to pace himself so that he wasn't tired in the slightest when he got to his destination. He had feeling that there might be some training in order and the last thing he wanted was to get there and not be one hundred percent. After several minutes of travel Izu came to Training Field 5 and it didn't take long to spot Haitani and Inori. He came up to them and gave a calm wave. "Well here I am. I hope that we have good productivity with training and I am ready for sparring" he said with a calm look on his face. Mist ninja were good on keeping their emotions calm when they weren't in a blood lust and Izu specifically liked to keep his emotions low since he viewed it as key to maintaining control of his battles and focus on winning. [@Kal-El] [@Gowi] [@Jay Kalton]