Kit could understand that he didn't want to go to the festival. It made sense that he didn't want to deal with the police. She had only brought it up because it had caught her attention. Why hold a festival if there were thieves on the loose? "I just found it odd they would hold a festival at a time like this." she replied with a shrug. She glanced around the room when he mentioned it. Cheap motel or not, it still was somewhere they might look for goods. She let out an impressed whistle when he made a necklace out of ice. It looked pretty detailed for a decoy. She reached over and touched the 'gem' with her finger. A little electricity hidden inside and it sparkled even more brightly than before. "If I didn't know better I'd think that was one very expensive diamond necklace." she said grinning up at him. Following the necklace would be a somewhat simple task. Finding somewhere to put the necklace and not getting caught tracking it? Easier said than done.