[@Saltwater Thief][@Raijinslayer] [h2]Pikachu[/h2] [hr] Pikachu was barely aware of being handed off. His ears twitched and a small amount of sparks danced from his cheeks. He was handed off again then put into something. His nose twitched as he slowly came back from the bought of unconsciousness. He twitched his nose and smelled...food? That was definitly a faint scent of food. His head dipped further into the backpack as he woke up more. He was dimly aware of voices around him. He dug about and found a container of some sort. He popped it open and started nibbling on the food within. He dug about some more and nibbled on more finding his strength slowly returning to him. The sounds of munching could probably be heard on the outside. Especially by the physic type, but he didn't seem to be aware of the outside events. That is until Jaden fell and he crashed into the side of the backpack. A small squeak could be heard from the hit. He shook himself a bit and ate some more. He seemed focused on eating at the moment...having not had this much food for so long. Small paws holding each morsel. His large ears finally twitched at the sound of agony. His head poked out with a piece of food in his mouth causing a large bump in cheek. He couldn't see what was in front of Jaden but he could hear it. Ears twitched as he started to process what was happening...well what was left of what was happening.