Jarvis had always been involved in the day to day workings of the guild, but lately it seemed like he was cleaning up messes left, right and centre. As always, he had a new sense of appreciation for jamie. She just managed to make it look so easy, but Jarvis did know just how hard she took everything. Running a hand through his hair wearily, and a little frustrated, Jarvis sighed and took the gift bag. He listened to Argus's talk, [color=aba000]"Well, I can't make her do anything, but I will ask"[/color] He said, turnng back towards Carver for a moment, he gave Carver his mark, before using a lacrima to contact Marlene and see if she would come down. He turned to Raiden, smiling slightly he said [color=aba000]"Brown is a good colour for a guild mark"[/color] He was a little bit more careful in applying Raiden's guild mark, as it was in a diffucult location-it wouldn't do to half blind a new member. [color=aba000]"As for the ball, its to signify the end of the games themselves, and should be starting in a little while, at the castle"[/color] Sam trotted over to Amelia and plopped down next to her, happily moving to snuggle against her sister. [@BladeSS4][@Raijinslayer][@Joshua Tamashii][@Roseletta] [hr] Gabriel had spent some time trying to find Michael. He wasn't successful, and he wondered where his brother was. He assumed Michael was okay, figuring that one of Michael's spirits would find their way to him, if something was wrong. It was small comfort, but he couldn't roam around for hours, for the rest of the day. He sighed to himself, and started to make his way back to camp, He slowed as he saw a somewhat familiar figure, sure he'd seen the guy with Michael before. Approaching, Gabriel hesitated [@Oblivion666]