Excuse my overjoy in finally being able to register, you don't know how many times I've come back to see Registration has been closed. Greetings! I am Szall. It would be my pleasure to become acquainted. Now, to make my introduction somewhat interesting, I have a story to share. You see, a close friend of mine who is a member of this forum found humor in some of the Edgelord-iness to characters created here, and asked me to join and earn my right as the Supreme King of all Edgelords. Seeing upsides to joining a community of Roleplayer's again, I decided to do so, and here I am. I have experience in Roleplay in all forms of media, and my hobbies include anime, drawing and video game design, Similar to most. If you wish to introduce yourself as a reply to this topic, I would be delighted to meet you all. With high regards, [i]SZALL[/i]