[@1Hawkeyes][@The1Rolling1Boy] Helena apparently was amazed at his eye color, which didn't happen often. Back at his school people were afraid of his red and light colored look so he rarely had any friends. He noted that Mystery and Spirit had white hair and pale completion like him, and that they could basically be marked as siblings if they tried hard anuf. But do they have any other powers besides shapshifting? [color=fff200]"Can you guys do anything other than shapshifting? I mean like something with fire?[/color] Edmon asked as he began to open the door to the cabin with Spirit now over his shoulder a little bit. He managed to open the door when suddenly Spirti strached and layed her arms across his neck. Edmon's eyes widened at her groggy voice laced with a giggle as she said good morning. It seemed that she may have mistake him for her brother, because she looked comfortable letting a stranger hold her. [color=fff200]" Ummm, good morning.[/color] Edmond layed her on a bed that was under his, and backed of. He Then shyly grinned at her while lifting his arms behind his head, were Spirits arms had been.