Yugi looked back to Djinn to see that the glow was gone and the Millennium Puzzle handed back to him. He took it with a smile, placing it back around his neck. For some reason he felt the item being around his neck to feel like it was apart of him, made him feel safe and confident. Now that he had found that there was a spirit of some sprt within the Puzzle, he felt that there was a life in the palm of his hand. It was strange, diorienting, and uncomfortable. To have such things like that made Yugi certainly think so. Listening to Djinn made Yugi smile, also glad she didnt have tonstay in a card. She sounded relieved and he was happy for her. Hearing that it had been sometime since she had dueled last, remembering that she had said something similar to Yami. Having wondered previously who her 'owner' was and only now to be revealed to be Maximillion Pegasus, CEO and founder of Industrial Illusions. This made Yugi think about this. Wondering if he was the one who sent her to him. But there was also the question as to why. "Really?" How slowly she said it, Yugi looked confused and thought that maybe talking about this made Djinn feel a tad uncomfortable.