So much happened at once - but then, Piximon thought, it always did. It was never just one thing to respond to. First was the light which brought humans which brought the strange-shaped digivices, only unified by that constellation pattern on the back. Now it was all the humans awake - the first one just mumbled something the water, which got MarineAngemon's attention with a wan smile. The second - dead, really? Piximon's wings stopped flapping for a second while she took a moment to absorb how stupid that statement was. Ok, sure, there were tales of digimon slipping into the world where humans came from - Clockmon also had dozens of those - but unless humans were dumb enough to think her one of the undead, then where the Dark Area did that come from? The third, Piximon didn't quite recognize the language. MarineAngemon frowned, though, and there was a moment where his pink heart pulsed visibly behind the digivice he now held clutched to his stomach. His face then lit up in understanding. Piximon assumed it was just one of his abilities. MarineAngemon seemed to have developed tons since he finally digivolved into a Mega (which, of course, she was proud of but at the same time, him, really?). Maybe related to the whole peace move he had. Who knew but him and the Sovereigns, really. Though before they could start responding- "OI! That's my watch!" Piximon glanced at the items visible in front of her, and the device still clutched to MarineAngemon's chest. Watch? "Give [i]that[/i] back!" And the human was running at them. Great. On the one hand, he was much bigger than them. On the other, Piximon tried to adjust the three items in her arms to one arm to free her other arm to wield her spear. She never heard of humans flying, and she was hardly an incompetent fighter. She was sure she'd catch up to MarineAngemon soon and digivolve. Until then, she was fine showing off her abilities. To her side, MarineAngemon sighed. "[b]Ocean Love.[/b]" He exhaled sharply, and two heart-shaped pink-tinted bubbles floated out from his mouth. One encased him while the other encased Piximon. She huffed. Fine, if MarineAngemon insisted. No violence yet again. She could really use a target eventually though, one she could do something about. The last human's charge met the bubble and was deflected aside. Made sense. She doubted a human could break her brother's shields. The stories always said they needed a partner to survive in the digital world against larger, hostile digimon (which was going to be her in 3 seconds if they tried that again), and in turn gave the partner immense power. Though, speaking of, where were those fabled partners? She glanced around the clearing. No, MarineAngemon and herself were the only digimon here. Were she and MarineAngemon meant to help these humans? It wouldn't be the worst thing that ever happened, but her pride still made her gag at the thought. What about the constellations? Perhaps- No. They were gone. As awful as fate could be at times, surely it would draw the line at giving humans dead partners. "Um, excuse me." MarineAngemon spoke, his heart on his chest visibly pulsing. She glanced at him. "If I may, to answer some of your questions - uh, no, you're not dreaming, and you're not dead." "Dumbasses." "Sister!" His attempt at a glower was far from intimidating, but Piximon rolled her eyes. Fine, time to reel it in a bit. "Bro checked on you, you're fine, no structure tearing, so you can stop complaining now." She once more shifted her spear, back between her arm and body, to resume her grip on the digivices. Maybe return them? Not worth considering. It was better to give them to him. Maybe they'd keep him amused and distracted for a while. "Seesh, you don't see us screaming at you, and you're pretty weird too." Well, time to try this her brother's way. "Blah blah, digital world, blah blah, adventure. Go find your partners already and, I dunno, have a good time or something. That's how the stories usually go." She looked at her brother, who gave a small shrug. Ok, not bad. Not good either, but she tried. And if they were just going to flip out, not like an explanation would really work, right? They'd just tune her out in favor of flipping out even more. "Go on, then." She waved a hand at them. "We've got other stuff to deal with since you're fine and everything." Mostly, getting back and hoping this little detour had been worth it.