As just like that, the tension evaporated, and the beaming beautiful face that had come to mean everything to Shay radiated before him. The higher pitch in Vera's voice, the excitement, it all served to remind him of what he had and couldn't afford to lose. He went with her as she tugged as his hand and he certainly didn't disagree with the need to get out of the cold; even he didn't feel comfortable out in the cold for too long. The memory of being shot and bleeding out in the snow was still too fresh, and his shoulder ached as if on cue. "As much as I'd love to spend the night with you again, I think it would be best if we got some rest for tomorrow." Shay replied mischievously with a coy smile, gently squeezing Vera's hand as they strolled back down the block to the Tawdy. "A big day tomorrow, and all that. Tomorrow night, after the job's behind us, sounds lovely. I still owe you a dinner without getting shot." The two headed back into the pub and mingled with the others for a bit, the guys who only now figured out the relationship grilling Shay with questions, and the ladies fawning over Vera excitedly. It was beginning to feel like a family, and Shay was glad that despite everything, everyone seemed supportive of the two of the, and Sam's approval in particular was what cemented it all. Taking Shay off to the side with an arm over his shoulders, Sam said, "I couldn't ask for a better man to look after my sister. I'd hoped you two would have figured out you were good for each other when I assigned you two together." he smiled warmly, prodding a finger into Shay's chest. "The two of you needed someone good in your lives, you deserve it." After another hour or two of drinks and chatting with their fellow Roughers, Shay and Vera parted ways with a public kiss and while Emory offered to drive Vera home, Shay decided to walk and enjoy the brisk air on the way back to his flat to collect his thoughts and reflect on the day. The streets seemed particularly vibrant that night, the people out and about seemed happy and cordial, and for the first time in a long while, Shay was beginning to feel comfortable in the city he'd learned to call home. It didn't take him long to return to the flat, a roughly half hour walk away, and he climbed up the stairs and to his door. Kicking his shoes off and tossing his coat on a simple rack, Shay wasted no time in finding his way to the couch, where he decided to sit back and close his eyes for a moment, as he still had prep for the day to come that needed to be attended to. The thought barely left his mind as he drifted off, head hanging down and a smile on his face.