Mercury. The shining star of the slum districts, strictly shadowrunners only, unless you have business with one of the guests. Simultaneously a nightclub, a black-market haven and the perfect location to meet a Mr. Johnson, that's hardly surprising. Factor in the total lack of law enforcement in the area (one of Mercury's primary selling points) and you'll start wondering whether the megacorps got wiped out in the five minutes since you arrived. A tall, blonde elf woman gets out of a sleek black car. Everything about screams "corp" from her clothes to the way she speaks. Amongst an army of the worst of Japan's criminals, she looks completely out of place. She reaches the entrance, clearly aware of the dozen or more glares she recieves on her way. A troll waits for her at the entrance. A bouncer. "Name?" He asks impatiently. "Oh, erm-" She stutters. Nothing the bouncer hasn't seen before. Typical of first-timers. "Mr. Johnson". "[b]Real[/b] name?" Of course, she'd made another mistake, she thought. There could easily be half a dozen other Johnsons here tonight, and the bouncer couldn't be expected to let everyone who calls themself a Johnson in. Business only, after all, unless you're a shadowrunner. "Moryama. Moryama Jun. Meeting Boom." Eyebrows are raised at that one. It's obvious who, generally speaking, she is, but no one knows or cares specifically who until now. Rumours of a big job had spread through the street fast, but who had nabbed it had followed almost immediately. A dwarf named Boom. "You've got table 14, in one of the soundproofed rooms. Door in the left corner, by the bar. Runner's not turned up yet, but I know him. I doubt you'll be waiting long." For the first time that night, Moryama Jun smiles.