I'm super pumped about all the interest this is getting! So here's a few more details that I've been working out in my head. Let me know what you guys think! So I've been set on doing something a little more religion heavy than your typical modern vampire tale. Back in day, vampires' weaknesses were essentially anything holy, and I'd like to play on that. Not all of our hunters will be particularly religious, but some may be trained by a special section of the Catholic church that specializes in demon exorcising, vampires, and the like. Here's a brief rundown of a couple of my character ideas. There will be [b]Father Walter[/b], the late priest of the town's old as dirt Catholic church. He was once a founding member of the guild that the hunters all belong to, and a major influence on those who partake in the more religious take on vampire hunting. He retired and settled down at the church were he spent his boyhood. He knew about the vampire coven in the town, but over the years, he had gotten a bit soft. He made a deal with them that, as long as they never harmed humans, he wouldn't sick the guild on them. Now that humans are supposedly dying, that deal is off. Father Walter has recently passed prior to the start of the RP. He went out late one night, not telling anyone where he was going, and just never came home. His old, beat up car was found parked along one of the rural roadsides in the town, empty. Then there's [b]Father Luca[/b], the young, rather unfortunate protégé of Father Walter who has inherited the elder priest's vampire hunting legacy now that there's trouble brewing in town. Until recently, the meek Father Luca didn't know vampires were even a thing. Upon being given a large, dusty book that was addressed to him after Father Walter's death, he discovered that it was a detailed manual on how to exorcise demons, vampires, run the church and keep the town safe. In it, Father Walter describes his old vampire hunting guild, and suggests that, if Father Luca needs help, he call them. Needless to say, the young priest, who only recently got out of seminary, inherited an entire church, just found out that vampires may be hunting people in his town, and is decisively a pacifist who couldn't hurt a fly needs help. He will remain torn on whether or not these vampires are even evil to begin with. His major conflict throughout this RP will be whether he should side with the hunters because his mentor told him to, or whether or not he should call them off and believe the vampires when they say they aren't to blame. Lastly, I have an idea for a hunter character who is also technically a priest, but one who is specially trained to hunt evil creatures rather than preach and hold down a church. I don't have a lot of the details worked out for him yet. Thoughts, ideas, concerns?