[b]For Urd's clothes:[/b] Basically what the picture in sheet shows. Outermost, she wears a waterproofed, hooded black cloak of some woollen material, edged with woven thread of a golden hue, not shiny. Right now, her clothes beneath that is made of soft leather, not of any armor-quality, but still relatively durable. Presumably, this is presumably either on top of fine-quality cloth or lined with it. Subtle patterns are present on all of this. It is all designed with function in mind, as she travels a lot and does not bring servants along, and her family hasn't exactly pushed her to be formal all the time. The quality of her clothes is high, as befits her family's status as cawanori country nobility, but it is not opulent in appearance. As such, it does not stand out in a crowd. The patterns on her soft leather tunic (or whatever it is) is embroidered in with thread colored much as on the image. She probably has several sets of clothes akin to these available, some of them more suited for court than others. She's not wearing ones most suited for court this day, as she did not wear that yesterday, and she has yet to change, and there's that minor detail that her visit to court today wasn't planned. Does that answer your questions, [@TheDuncanMorgan]?