[center][h3]Lusitania Fullerene[/h3][/center] [center][@ZachChase] [@alexfangtalon] [@Alder] [/center] [center]Outside the Pokemon Lab - Beryllium City[/center] Lusitania watched all the fumbling about, trying to take interest in what was going on, to be completely honest, she didn't care where they was going, just When! She wanted to get out of the city bad and get back to the wildness of routes on the region, just any place that wasn't sheltered by concrete or stone was good enough for her. Personally, she wanted to get out on the Route to travel, these guys seemed like they would be fun to hang around with, it looked like they would all get to have some fun in the future. Meanwhile, while Lusitania was lost in her own thought. Luna had been giggling at the giggles failed attempt to replicate what she had done. It seemed as if the Gible called Nado had struck a cord with the Young Rockruff, She was patting his back with her paw gently when it had been righted by his Trainer. "Ruff." She barked into Nado's ear cheerfully as if to say, [i]"lets be friends."[/i]. Then she turned to leave her tail propped high and wagging. It seemed Lusitania got tired of waiting. "Okay Guys, That is it! Enough lollygagging. Lets get going, Dreams and adventure is before us." Lusitania yelled as she began to slowly walk her feet on the cobbles, walking toward the general direction of route nine, adamant as her Pokemon's Nature. "Try to keep up okay." She said as she gave a simple wave for them to follow without looking back.