Jack looked at the gym as he knew that he had a meeting to to get to. He did not like the idea of having to go to a meeting for the group. His part of this mission was to shoot and punch the bad guys . He also was the type to go looking around tombs and come back with the needed loot. He was not the type to talk strategy about their next mission. He sighed as he grabbed his tank top off the floor after he took his boxing gloves off. He tied the strings together after throwing his top on. Unlike most of his fellows he was not the type to get all dressed up for a meeting. He did not look like he was a professional. His tank top was sweaty to say the least. Still, he did not have time for a shower or to make himself presentable. Jack sauntered into the meeting room like he owned the place. He did not need to pretend that he did not belong. It was one of the lessons that Hasan had taught him. He looked around the room as he flopped down in the chair. He gave everyone his best American boy smiles. He had to keep the appearance of the the dumb soldier. He did not need to act like his real self right now. He was not in the mood for the tea. English Tea was bitter and required too much work to make it decent. Years in Egypt had made him like Egyptian shai more then English tea. Egyptian tea was more his style. Koshary tea was more his style. Course it was impossible to find good Egyptian all the way over in England. It take a good deal more work but it was worth it. "If I were to guess... The Mirror reflects... give me a moment... Souls! I think it reflects souls!" He said clearly joking. East Asian artifacts were not his specialty. Jack leaned back in his chair. "So basically, we go to Ceylon and take the mirror before the most likely bad guys do?" He asked to no one in particular.