[@SoulEater][@The1Rolling1Boy][@Mangrale][@1Hawkeyes] *James and Neric would be mostly off on their own, Neric snuggled quietly on his shoulder. James petting his wing as they looked out across the woods, waiting really for what to happen next. Even Neric was curious about what the counselors had in mind for what to happen at the camp* [color=black]"James I know you really want to go swimming, but do you think they may have competitions?"[/color] *Neric would ask as one of his eyes looks to James, waiting for his answer. James thinking on as he nods* [color=yellow]"Ya I think they will, but I don't think you can participate. You'll make it very unfair-"[/color] *Stopping as he and Neric hear the girl's scream in the camp, his skin going pale as he looks at Neric. The little Void shaking and growling softly* [color=yellow]"Neric calm down, I think it's small that happened! Neric!"[/color] *Quickly looking at the Void who flew off his shoulder quickly, cursing a bit under his breath as he follows the Void who changes from the bird to a pure black cloud. He would continually call out to the dark being, though it seems Neric is in another state of mind as it's cloud gets bigger. Soon reaching a rather large size, not quite a cabin size but it was close as it only pulls out it's crocodile head and arms. The rest of it's body is pure dark cloud and in his eyes he is having a flashback himself and he doesn't look happy about the scream, James scared about this now as he rushes to the Void who is forming by the cabin* [color=yellow]"Neric calm down!"[/color]