Say a set of enchanted armor's minor magic is fortified with the integrity of a dozen mage's souls to grant a slight yet stout resistance to magic. What kind of impact would a spell that dampens/dispells magical effects have on such a fortification before it applies to major-magics? Or would the dampening impact all facets of the armor, equally? That in mind, what kind of effect does offensive dark magic have against defensive dark magic? #DevilsAdvocate #IHateHashtags Sorry, its the only cay I can contribute to the conversation. >_<; [hider=EDIT] If you're curious about the hashtag shit, don't be. Its wholly [s]ironic[/s] fueled by laziness since I'm now on vacation for two weeks. Holla holla, not makin' a dolla! *Sips drank*[/hider]