[center][H2][color=f26522]Gredy Silvertongue[/color][/h2][/center] With a warm smile on his face, Gredy offered the newly named Dante his hand to shake. "[color=f26522]I'm more then happy to be your friend. My name is Gredy.[/color]" It would have been a wonderful moment of friendship in which both of them would remember for the rest of their lives, a strong foundation upon which to build into a strong force to be reckoned with... right up until a Weedle of all things fell out of the sky and landed on Gredy's head, the force of which actually sent Gredy face first into the ground as the free falling body slam proved to be rather effective. Groaning in a slightly pained manner, Gredy pushed himself off the ground as he simply said "[color=f26522]Ow... what was that?[/color] while taking a moment to look around and find out what had just hit him. [@Stern Algorithm][@Holy Soldier]