Savayna’s panic could not be denied. It begged to be on the surface. She knew that, as did Grant. For a reason unknown to her in the state that she was in, Savayna felt his hand on hers, rubbing it comfortingly. A single thought passed through her mind like a water down a stream. He truly loves me. Or cares for me. I don’t know which it is. Frankly, I don’t care. He makes me feel secure. Safe. I’ll listen to him, and see what happens. In a silent surrender, Savayna lay her head on his shoulder. She didn’t want to move from this spot. Whatever happened after she would fall asleep would not be of any consequence to her. She just wanted to stay like this until she drifted. And stay there she did. By nothing short of time passing, the morning rays of sunlight intruded upon the room that Savayna and Grant were both in. the sudden light would reveal that the two of them had not moved from the place they were at just hours ago. Savayna was perched against Grant’s broad shoulders, clinging his right arm with both of hers, and her head snug against his neck. She was soundly asleep, smiling blissfully. Soon that bliss would be interrupted by an unwanted sound: a knock on the door. “Wake-up call!” Said someone, opening the door. Savayna, startled by this, groaned as she began to open her eyes. Crust of dust fell from the sides of her eyes, and she felt an uncomfortable knot in her neck. Serves me right for sleeping like that. She stretched her legs before she would stand up. No doubt Grant would be waking up soon as well, given that she was not quiet when she groaned. “[color=lightblue]Hey, you awake?[/color]” Savayna said, gently poking Grant’s side. She got no reply, so she poked again. “[color=lightblue]Graaant~[/color]” Her voice was somewhat low. She still got nothing, so she shoved him as hard as she could, pushing him completely off the chair, and right to his face. “[color=lightblue]I bet you’re awake now.[/color]” Savayna uncharacteristically laughed. “[color=ed1c24]You’re sure up bright and early.[/color]” Savayna heard Jaakuna say as he stopped midway in the hallway. Savayna saw him. She tried to conceal her laugh, but to no avail. “[color=lightblue]And as are you.[/color]” Savayna raised an eyebrow. “[color=lightblue]Shouldn’t you be with Emiri?[/color]” Savayna asked. She remembered how [i]intense[/i] things got last night, so she was actually surprised that Jaak was out and about. “[color=ed1c24]Everyone’s in the dining hall. I was actually sent to get you two, so —[/color]” Jaakuna stopped mid-sentence. He noticed Grant face-first on the floor. “[color=ed1c24]Do I even want to know?[/color]” Jaakuna asked with caution. “[color=lightblue]Well, it’s actually a funny story.[/color]” “[color=ed1c24]Cool. You can tell me later. But for now, get him up, and hurry to the dining hall[/color].” “[color=lightblue]What’s the big rush?”[/color] she asked Jaakuna. Jaakuna simply shrugged. Either he really didn’t know or he was hiding something. Regardless, Savayna knew he was right. It was about time that they moved. “[color=lightblue]Fine, we’ll be there shortly.[/color]” Savayna said. Jackson nodded, and went along his merry way. As Savayna would stand up, feeling her joints release the tension they had been building up, she looked to Grant. “[color=lightblue]It’s okay to stop playing dead. We have to get to the dining hall. So, chop chop![/color]” Savayna walked passed Grant. She stopped at the door as she would wait for him to come.