[center][h1]The Route 13 Crew[/h1] - Roxanne ([@Shadeflare123]), Novis ([@Sen]), Aiden ([@Deos Morran])[/center][hr] As the group would make their way onto Route 13, they would notice that they were not the only ones who would occupy this walk to the ruins. There were many tourists and scientists making their way to the ruins, the tourists occasionally taking pictures of themselves for memories, and the scientists often lost in their own work. Though, they were all seemingly lost in their own worlds, disinterested in the kids as of now. After all, why pay attention to them when there were ruins to explore. It was even rumored that Unown lingered deep inside the ruins, thought to have some sort of connection to Johto because of this. As they would go further down the route, they would eventually stumble across a small excavation camp, where the scientists there would dig out fossils for Beryllium’s research sector. It wouldn't be nearly as crowded there, as many of the tourists didn't stay for long, eager to reach the ruins, and thus leaving the excavators to their work. Perhaps, with some persuading from the group, they would allow the trainers to help in their endeavor, and reward them such. There was also some sort of rest area in the middle of the route, where trainers could rest for a bit and use the benches and tables set out to prepare meals and eat. There were also several wild pokemon gazing in the distance here, hoping to snatch a quick bite from unsuspecting trainers. All in all, there was plenty to do before reaching the ruins...