[@KoL] It's a shame to hear that (I had a feeling though), but alright. I'm glad you at least told me one way or another -- I think [@Crumbs] (mostly due to her own GM work) already did as well, and [@shylarah]. [@Pudding][@UnknownScarlet4][@Aewin][@Ailyn Evensen][@tsukune][@Xyo][@MayLien][@CrazyShadowy][@Bishop][@Masaki Haruna] [@Eidolen] [b]Important update.[/b] As of the most recent edit to the opening post, both the 'Public CS' and the 'Private CS' (both templates and also tutorials) are completed and ready for you to put them to use. Take a look whenever you've got some time. I'd prefer if people not post up completed character sheets in this thread, since I'm hoping to have this moved over to the official thread very soon, but go ahead and work on them so they can be posted as soon as the transfer happens. [b]At this time, I'd appreciate it if people tell me if they're definitely not getting involved. The people who do this won't be getting a notification when I switch this to the official thread, nor will those who've made no attempt to communicate at all. If you're still not sure then it's okay, but I really do want to be told if people know for certain that they aren't in.[/b] There's also some important discussion points in my last post that I'd like people to give input about involving the elimination system for this role-play. At this point, I've settled on using a method to allow characters to remain in play even if they die (I probably won't be revealing how this works until it happens -- part of it does potentially include an interesting little 'Easter Egg' though), so the only thing needing discussion is the elimination system. The official thread will be created once that's settled on.