[center][h2][color=39b54a]Juana Perez[/color][/h2] -[u]Feyhollow Town - Pokémon Center[/u]-[/center] [hr] "Oh, yeah, waffles sound pretty good right now," Juana replied, as Dewpider scuttled behind her leg, panting heavily as it stared at the suddenly-aggressive Mudkip. Mudkipz do not liek bubbles. Juana turned to Tora. "Trafficking Alolan Pokémon? I'll be honeest I don't know a thing about that, I just caught Bounsweet and Dewpider and didn't give where they came from a second thought. It had to have happened a while ago, didn't it? Bounsweet and I have known each other for a [i]long[/i] time." She itched Bounsweet's chin, and the round mangosteen Pokémon let out a happy chirp. "After food I think I'll drop by the Mart and bag me some items," Juana continued, patting her tool belt. "You know, they make some pretty handy bags in the Unova region; you could fit an entire bicycle into them!" Juana folded her arms and glanced at her belt. "Of course, this is just a tool belt," she confirmed. "Can't fit a scooter into this thing, let alone a full-on bike." [hider=Notes] -TP: HHG +1, post +1,total: 43 -CP: +1, total: 24 -Interaction with [@Silver Fox]'s Tora and [@Dusksong]'s Cillian [/hider]