[img]http://www168.lunapic.com/do-not-link-here-use-hosting-instead/148199859477855?9943747055[/img] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] The Awu Chiefdom [u][b]Ruler[/b][/u] The Owantiso (High Chief) is T'ousa Chiknobani Mwene Tiso II. His personal name is Mwene, and his dynastic name is Chiknobani. The rest are just titles. [u][b]Species[/b][/u] The T'ousa are an arboreal, monkey-like species, which, while bipedal, are extremely adept at navigating through the canopies of Awu. They have four insect like eyes, above a mouth somewhere between a terran's and a beak. THey are covered in fur, standing about 5 feet on average, with little sexual dimorphism between males and females, despite the obvious difference in genitalia. They have tails about as long as their bodies, and four arms with two legs, and not much more hair on their head than on the rest of their bodies. THey have muscular arms to navigate the brush, and, despite their size, are usually much stronger than terrans. Their fur is a mixture of light brown, sandy blonde, and black. Many tribal divisions exist based on fur color. [u][b]Allegiance[/b][/u] Mainly themselves. Right now, rather than trying to influence the galactic stage, they simply want to put themselves on it, and want to develop to the capabiliites of the various empires, while at the same time maintaining their sovereignty. [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/6a2d/f/2009/161/3/2/darkvoid_jungle_by_jjasso.jpg[/img] [u][b]Government[/b][/u] A system of tribal feudalism. Under the Owantiso are chiefs who control large sectors of the planet, and under them are more chiefs, all the way down to small tribal units. The Owantiso is in direct control of the capital city of New Brazil, or in their language, A'wknabanadiwk'alo. Most foreigners say New Brazil. The Owantiso also controls the military as a whole, is in charge of foreign representation, and controls current and future colonization efforts. [u][b]Military Strategy[/b][/u] While the Owantiso controls the military, it is provided by the chiefs, again down to the lowest level. Currently, the Awu military is extremely, extremely archaic. So archaic they fight with bows and arrows. Yeah. That archaic. They mostly act as a guerrilla defense force, and as an internal security force. The small spaceforce the Awu do currently have is a mercenary force, personally paid for out of the Owantiso's account. There is also a small force of fighters who fight in exosuits, with bows that fire energy beams. While they make up the Owantiso's guard right now, their style of combat is to take over the entire Awu military when the proper funding is allocated. [u][b]History[/b][/u] [img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/7414/th/pre/f/2015/137/0/9/jungle_planet_ta_ha_by_charliesaurus-d8tr0ji.png[/img] Awu is a jungle planet off on the fringes of the Milky Way. Because of its proximity to its sun, it is completely covered by large rainforest canopy, and the atmosphere is mostly made of oxygen, resulting in trees the height of which makes the old redwoods of Terra look like shrubs. Even the oceans of Awu are still covered with mangrove forest. T'ousa of Awu, not too long ago, barely knew of each other's existence, spoke various languages, and by terran definition, were completely uncivilized. It was during the late stages of the Empire that Awu was colonized, but, because of the vast canopy, the treacherous wildlife, and their inability to learn any sort of T'ousa language, the Terrans could barely explore the planet, and large swaths of it were left unchecked. Because of Awu's vast quantity of natural recources, they mostly just set up trading posts around the planet, with a centralized capital at New Brazil. Relations between terrans and T'ousa were mostly peaceful. But once the empire collapsed, other powers came to Awu, all setting up their own colonies. And destroying the other ones. And, in the midst of this warfare, and because of lack of laws regulating native relations that existed under the Empire, many T'ousa were enslaved and massacred. But, because of this colonial period, the T'ousa tribes began to know each other. And tribal wars that existed earlier ceased. Under T'ousa Chiknobani Mwene Tiso, the T'ousa united as one federated tribal government, and despite their lack of military technology, ousted the foreign governments in a guerrilla war that lasted about ten years. Under the rule of Mwene Tiso, the government of Awu became increasingly centralized, and the old colonial infrastructure was used to set up communication all over the planet. The independence of Awu became legitimized by establishing relations with many foreign governments, and Mwene Tiso even claimed the rest of Awu's system as Awu territory, and set up their first colony on Awu's moon, which is why the title of the High Chief, Owantiso, translates to 'Moon Chief'. Sadly, Mwene Tiso died about ten years ago, but his son, T'ousa Chiknobani Mwene Tiso II, has taken where he left off, seeking foreign investment into Awu, and trying to modernize the military. Other: Despite their relative weakness, any incursion into Awu itself will be met with a serious problem. (Sorry about that, I'll wait for approval)