[center][color=Gainsboro][h2]Dio Hyuga[/h2][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/k3I4VHJ.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [color=Gainsboro][u]Location:[/u][/color][indent]Konoha[/indent][right][color=Gainsboro][u]Interactions:[/u][/color][indent][@pkken] - Mu Sarutobi [@Buddha] - Mori Mawari [@Hillan] - Ira Sarutobi[/indent][/right][hr] An exasperated sigh left Dio's lips as Mu relinquished his disguise and revealed to him Ira's location. He should have known better than to run after the Sarutobi, again, thier willpower trumped thier intelligence. Standing upright upon the wall, he looked upon the village, using his Byakugan to locate the strongest source of Chakra in the village. Sure enough his gaze fell upon the brilliantly burning Lady Hokage in the square, and next to her was a lesser force but none the less ninja like, a prime candidate for a Genin, much less a Sarutobi, giving authenticity to Mu's claim. Deactivating he Byakugan, he looked back down at Mu, now losing sight of him in the mist, but the voices of Sarutobi clan members rang ever clear. This wouldn't paint a good picture for the Hyuga if they were found like this; a Hyuga Branch Family member more or less dispatching of a Sarutobi. Scratching his head, Dio quickly formulated a plan to repaint the picture. As of now, Dio and Mu were still hidden by the mist, which no doubt led the Sarutobi to fear the worst. Instead of simply dispelling everything, he would simply leave Mu to do the explaining. By simply removing himself from the situation, Mu lost a bit of credibility to his argument, and for the most part, he could get off scot-free. [color=f26522]"Chose quickly, they are starting to get riled up."[/color] Dio shook his head through the mist. [color=Gainsboro]"Like all you Sarutobi do, calm them down will you."[/color] he jibbed before releasing his water clone and leaping from the wall to another roof top, leaving Mu trapped in viscous liquid and shrouded in slowly dissipating mist. From familiar rooftop to familiar rooftop he leapt, taking the same route he did to get to the Sarutobi sector, back to the town square to find a kneeling Ira and a somewhat peeved Hokage, it was hard to tell with her. Landing next to the Sarutobi, he wasted no time throwing a foot into the boy's stomach without warning. Without let up, he whipped out a Kunai from his pouch and kneeled down to a doubled over Ira, placing the point to his throat with one hand and grabbing his scruff with the other. [color=Gainsboro]"Your prize, Lady Hokage."[/color] he relented, ignoring the fact that he had obviously lost the competition.