Cecilia could only watch helplessly as her friends, if she even had the right to call them that after this was over, nearly came to blows. Soon the world around her faded into obscurity, nothing registering as perceptible except for the all consuming void. The darkness and its otherworldly current and flow seemed to beckon in a way that seemed to hypnotize her, taunting her though fully knowing that she couldn't move out of fear. ----- [color=007236]Cecilia? [relieved sigh] There you are. You've had me worried... Hm? Asleep?... [chuckles] Alright then, up we go.[/color] [color=a2d39c][sleepy moans] Uh... Daddy?[/color] [color=007236]Hey sweetheart. Back at it again, eh?[/color] [color=a2d39c]Mmhm[/color] [color=007236]Can you tell me what's so amazing that keeps you stargazing? [soft laughter][/color] [color=a2d39c]What?[/color] [color=007236]Just an old song... Cece, I'm not going to tell you to stop this, but can you at least pick a spot nearby? You scared me half to death earlier.[/color] [color=a2d39c]I'm sorry... This was the best spot. So I could hear them.[/color] [color=007236]Hear what? The night sky? There's nothing out there.[/color] [color=a2d39c]Yes there is daddy. The stars. They're my friends.[/color] [color=007236]But sweetheart. Stars are just inanimate gaseous objects. They can't do or say anything.[/color] [color=a2d39c][i]Yes they can.[/i] They told me not to be afraid, that mommy is safe... and that one day she'll return to me.[/color] [color=007236][sigh] Cecilia... You can't honestly believe that, can you?[/color] ----- The conflict, for now, had subsided. But Cecilia felt numb, hearing nothing. It took all her strength just to keep standing, and now that was gone. She fell to her knees, her legs sprawling to the sides as she realized what had happened and how powerless she felt to do anything about it. She had failed. Of what did everything she said and did amount to. The unknown. When it truly mattered, when faced with it and all its dark uncertainty, she froze. Her hands fell flat on the midday grass, her head sunk low, facing the ground. A familiar sting wore away at her eyes until she honestly couldn't take it anymore. Tears accumulated on her cheek until they gained enough volume to drop to the ground. She was silent, plenty of practice. No one was hurt in the traditional sense. But could she genuinely expect to look anyone in the eyes after this. Yes, someone didn't belong in this camp. Cecilia knew the answer and the truth broke her heart.