[h2][color=lightblue]Location: Route 13, Excavation Site[/color][/h2] Aiden continued with his new found friends, making sure to spark some lively and fun-seeking conversation as much he could. Though of course it wasn't long before things started to liven up on the road about them. As the tourists and scientists past on by he couldn't help but look at them. More so the scientists than the tourists. Remembering his Pokedex talking about fossils and excavations at and near the Zamak Ruins he pulled out his Pokedex once again to see if any of the, "Click to learn more" tabs could let him glean more information about what was going on. After spending a few moments to himself learning about what the researchers, scientists, and archaeologists were finding he could help but have yet another bout of interest in the dig site. Making up his mind he posed the question to the group, [color=lightblue]"Hey guys, I think we should stay here and help out the scientists. I know it doesn't sound exciting, but come on! When will we ever get the chance to see a real life dig site filled with Pokemon fossils from ancient times? I think this could be awesome!"[/color] With his words done and said he took a few steps towards the dig site, curious about getting a better look. Zorex did the same and waddled after him, peering over teh little hill he found himself on to try and see what Aiden was so intently looking at. And despite his short height making it a little difficult he still gave his best effort before turning to face Aiden letting out a loud murr. Aiden who had been looking at the dig site turned from it to see Zorex reaching up for him and then turned back to see the rest of the team. He didn't know if they'd agree, but at this stage he was very much hoping they would.