[@The1Rolling1Boy]Cecilia could hear Spirit and felt herself being nudged. However, she wasn't up for responding for a minute or so, her own state of well being not her foremost concern at the moment. Yet she knew she had to say something. The struggle came in deciding the earliest possible moment to respond. The voice was less than familiar, but she still felt as though she would need to check, so she tilted her head and peered up through a opening in her hair. "Yo-..." she managed before deciding to breathe in and try again. "You're Mystery's sister...?" Cecilia's face fell short of direct eye contact, but wasn't quite towards the ground either. "I don't know... I just realized... (panged gasp) that I'm [i]afraid[/i]...! and I don't know what to [i]do[/i]...!" she revealed miserably before returning her gaze to the grass, admittance sending her to another quiet fit. [@LiegeLord] She could hear James. She wasn't interested in any apology on his part. If anything, sentiments of guilt towards her condition would only aggravate her disparity. As far as she's concerned, this was bound to happen. Just an eventuality of her willing obliviousness to the real world and her cowardice when it shows itself.