[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/X4gqYBh.png[/img][/center][center][b]-> [@Shadeflare123] [@Deos Morran] <- GM: [@MechonRaptor][/b][/center][hr] "It's not gonna get much love outta me if it even tries to touch me," Novis said as he was still backpedaling, shooting Zorex a death-glare. As soon as the others were back to walking alongside him, he flipped around and followed Aiden's lead to Route 13, even if was only just a few turns off the main road. "But yeah; Roxy," He gestured from the young woman to the boy a few steps in front of them, "And Aiden? Cute names." He'd never actually been too far to the East, so Novis found it intriguing to take his first steps on the rocky-grassy ground that covered Route 13. It was definitely the least green of the three routes leading out of Beryllium, but based on the number of people walking the road, it'd better be interesting. The ruins and fossils no doubt intrigued many a scientists, and the sightseers promised, well, sights to see. Nov had read about the whole region of Chromis before, actually, though like most of school, he couldn't exactly remember much besides that it had a notable amount creepy Pokemon that hung around the place, the more bored ones spooking up naive groups of tourists. Aiden had the idea of actually doing a bit of research on where they were heading, though. It never quite occurred to Novis just how much a PokeDex could actually do, but then again, he'd never even touched it since he got one from the Prof. Soon enough, with enough walking, they got to the half-way point of Route 13, where a dig site was situated. Now that they were on the outskirts of both the ruins and the desert of Chromis, fossils were bound to be hidden under the dirt and sand. Novis didn't really care about some Pokemon bones, but Aiden seemed particularly adamant they get the experience. They probably weren't ever gonna come back to quaint Route 13 again, so Nov relented. "If you really want to, I don't see much of a reason to not check it out." Nov picked up Nier from the ground as he spoke, the dog giving a little wheeze as Novis pulled out a bottle of water from his bag. Holding Nier under his arm, Nov poured some water into his cupped palm and held his hand close to Nier's mouth. The Growlithe slurped up the puddle with ferocity, and seeing such eagerness suddenly reminded Nov how long it'd been since he last had something to eat. "Which one of you can cook? I wanna take a break up ahead once we're done here, and lemme tell you, I ain't exactly gourmet." Before he got a response and before he could consider if used that word right, he brushed past Aiden and jogged up to the nearest excavator. The man was checking out a bunch of sand-eroded rocks for some reason (Nov couldn't exactly discern if they were fossils or not), and so, if this whole thing was gonna be looking at a bunch of rocks for twenty minutes, Nov was gonna have fun with this. Nov flashed a winner's grin and pointed at his chest with his thumb. "Hey, you guys need assistance with your fossil expeditions Me and my pals over there, we're bonafide Pokemon Rangers!" He gestured to Aiden and Roxy, who were clearly not with the program yet. "Got any details? A mission only strong, mysterious strangers such as ourselves could handle?" Nier barked in agreement, his little puppy face exuding a confidence that was fitting of only the most battle-hardened Arcanines. [center][b]| Route 13:[/b] Berly.Side -> Excavation Site [b]|[/b][/center]